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rassing Haily since school started, and I for one was getting tired of it.
"Come on, Haily," I insisted, dragging her around Assface. "He s not even wo
rth it."
I felt Haily relax when I pulled her away, but I was glaring at Jame, only
becoming a little furious myself when he ignored me and blew a kiss at Hail
y. I pulled her behind me in response, and turned on Jame. Now, it was Hail
y tugging on my arm.
"Why don t you just back off?" I demanded. "I swear to god, next time I ll le
t her kick your ass."
"Kinky!" Jame responded, still grinning in a way that had his cheeks all puf
fed out. "Looking forward to it."
"Oh, fuck yourself, Assface!" Haily snapped behind me, suddenly sounding e
xasperated. She started pulling me away, but I scowled at Jame until she g
ot me turned around, too. How the hell Milo could be friends with that idi
ot was beyond my understanding. "I hate that guy," Haily said, drawing my
"Yeah, I know. Let s just..."
"Ignore him? Okay...so are we going to that party?" Haily asked me as we tu
rned and headed up the stairs.
"Probably," I replied, smiling at her. "We re still going to the game, right?"
"I plan on it. So does Caleb, but Joe might need some convincing."
"He s been cranky lately. But, he doesn t have much more time to put in on h
is community service. I think he ll get better once it s over with."
I hummed in agreement and we walked to the locker we d been sharing. I took
a seat on the ground next to it and started to unload the books I d taken ho
me over the weekend while Haily wrestled with the lock. As soon as she opene
d it, she started grabbing her books, and it was probably a good thing she w
as distracted with that because she didn t notice the folded piece of notebo
ok paper that fell from the locker and landed next to me. I grabbed for it i
mmediately, not even looking it over before I shoved it into my pocket; and
as I looked up at Haily, it occurred to me that I should probably warn Milo
that I was sharing a locker with her, especially if he were going to make a
habit out of this. I smiled at the thought. A habit. I had no idea what his
note said yet but already it was making up for the way he d disappeared on m
e the night before. A little.
"What are you smiling about?" Haily remarked, glancing down at me.
I shook my head and stood to switch books between the locker and my backpa
ck. "Nothing. I ll see you at lunch?"
"Okay," Haily replied, and I started walking before I paused, and looked bac
k at her.
"Brandon s right," I said. "You look nice today; you really shouldn t be s
tuck going to homecoming with me."
Haily cocked her head at me, but didn t get a chance to respond as I walke
d away. I d meant what I said, though. I should never have agreed to go to
homecoming with her. She deserved to go with someone who d actually appre
ciate it when she put an effort into her appearance. She deserved someone
who could appreciate her.
As soon as I was out of sight, I lifted Milo s note from my pocket, ready to
know what he had to say for himself. Only, it wasn t a note at all. There w
as only one thing written on that piece of paper, and that, was a phone numb
"So I guess I earned this, but not a goodbye, huh?"
Milo was no less than startled when I snuck up right behind him and dropped
his piece of notebook paper in his lap, where he sat at our table in Mrs. Ba
tes s class. He turned brilliant green eyes up in my direction as he tugged
at the collar of a new-looking black hooded sweatshirt; and as I took my sea
t next to him, lacking my usual smile, he was frowning at me when he lifted
the piece of paper and placed it in front of us.
It was safe to say that despite what he d left in my locker, some of my irri
tation was still present. I wasn t as upset, deciding that giving me his pho
ne number was sign enough that he was still interested in some contact; but
over the course of a very long day, I d decided that some of Milo s hot-and-
cold behavior was grating on my nerves. Especially the cold part.
"I thought..." he started, but then stopped as Tim passed by. We both greete
d him, and then faced each other when Tim was safely in his seat, talking to
someone else.
"You thought what?" I asked.
Milo narrowed his eyes on me. Another glare, no doubt. It was his cute, worr
ied glare. I never thought that someone frowning could turn me on until I me
t him. But, I looked away, deciding to stay irritated.
"Do you think we could talk about this later?" he asked.
"I don t know," he responded, and I swore that I could hear a note of sarcas
m in his tone. "I thought maybe you could use this."
I watched his long fingers, which had been so perfectly wrapped around my c
ock less than twenty-four hours ago, slide the folded piece of notebook pap
er in front of me. I hesitated for a moment before I picked it up and shove
d it in my backpack.
"Why don t you just come over after school?" I asked. I wasn t really a pho
ne person.
"Because," he replied, bringing his voice to a near whisper, "I need... I want
to talk to you while you re not... I mean, when you can t..."
I looked curiously over at Milo, regretting it immediately, because as soon a
s I saw the look on his face, any frustration leftover from him ditching me d
isappeared and I felt a slow smile curling my lips. I just couldn t stay mad
at him, and god forbid if he ever figured that out. He was blushing again, ev
er so faintly, as he fidgeted with his hands, seeming unable to say what he w
anted to say.
"Do I distract you, Milo?" I asked teasingly, and his eyes snapped sharply t
o mine. I chuckled.
"Shut up," he mumbled, and I rolled my eyes at him.
"Did you really wanna talk?" I asked, sobering, and he gave a nod.
"Okay," I said quietly. "I ll call tonight, but you better have something to s
ay about the way you took off last night."
"I had to do that," he said quickly. I issued a challenging look to that statem
ent that clearly said I thought he was full of shit. "Okay," he relented. "I fr
eaked out. Look, this is... new to me."
My expression softened as he faced me seriously, and I let out a breath. "I k
now," I told him. "But the thing is, you re not the only one dealing with tha
Milo s lips parted, the beginning of a word escaping him before he closed hi
s mouth and frowned, suddenly looking guilty, like a little boy who d just b
een scolded. I almost felt bad about it. Almost.
Nothing more was said on the matter as Mrs. Bates started class, five minutes
after the bell rang. Once again, I found myself hardly paying attention to a
nything she was saying as I idly tapped my pen over my notebook, thinking abo
ut Milo. If I made him feel guilty, he was just going to have to deal with th
at. Maybe all of this was new to him, but it s not like I had any clue about
what I was doing, either. I suppose I was a little put off because what happe
ned the night before should have meant something. At the time, it had. Yeah,
getting off, literally, at the hands of the biggest crush I d ever had was gr
eat and all, but while it was happening... I guess for a little while, I felt
a little less lonely. It was nice to know that there was someone else there,
who was just like me. It was nice to feel it. When I d walked back into my r [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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