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me  Sam Keller (Kelltech), Blane Walter (inChord),
Damon Caiazza (LeasePower), Mike Koulermos, Tim
and Julie Harris, Kip Thomson (Powerhouse), Ken and
Amy Rinaldo (Atomica), Alec Shankman (Status), Ron
and Richard Joseph (Swapalease), and so on.
To the original Blue Diesel crew  Damon Caizza, Joel
Peach, Joel Jimenez, Mike Klebacha and Jason Brua.-
remember when turning 30 meant retiring?
To the people who helped and inspired me to actually
get this book written: John Huston who introduced me
to Jim Canterucci who introduced me to Toni Robino
who collectively explained to me what it meant to get a
book written.
To Dom Cappa and Don DePerro for believing in my
work and my column.
And to my family and friends for being cool with
watching me take a year and a half away from seeing
them. I d love to say it ll be the last time that happens,
but you all know me too well! [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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